Kerala Lottery July Monthly Chart 2022

Kerala Lottery July Monthly Chart 2022 LIVE: Kerala Lottery February Monthly Chart (OUT). The State Lottery Department of Kerala announces the Lucky Kerala Lottery Result for the Weekly Lottery every day at 03.05 PM. This lottery system is known for its exciting prize distribution, offering participants a chance to win hefty prizes.  Kerala Lottery Result Today, Kerala Lotteries Results, Winning List, Kerala Lottery Live Result. Kerala Lottery Result Chart Today: Check Win Win, Sthree Sakthi, Fifty Fifty, Karunya Plus, Nirmal, Karunya, Akshaya lottery Result

LIVE Kerala Lottery July Monthly Chart 2022 list

By reviewing this chart,, you can get an idea of the winning numbers and the prizes offered in the past draws.

Date Lottery Name Draw Code 1st Prize
01-07-2022 Nirmal NR 283 852781
02-07-2022 Karunya KR 556 554476
03-07-2022 Fifty Fifty FF 6 488801
04-07-2022 Win Win W 675 713801
05-07-2022 Sthree Sakthi SS 320 609530
06-07-2022 Akshaya AK 556 540720
07-07-2022 Karunya Plus KN 428 669060
08-07-2022 Nirmal NR 284 468856
09-07-2022 Karunya KR 557 846690
10-07-2022 Fifty Fifty FF 7 210064
11-07-2022 Win Win W 676 410286
12-07-2022 Sthree Sakthi SS 321 857284
13-07-2022 Akshaya AK 557 328316
14-07-2022 Karunya Plus KN 429 192659
15-07-2022 Nirmal NR 285 165097
16-07-2022 Karunya KR 558 120827
17-07-2022 Fifty Fifty FF 8 183520
18-07-2022 Win Win W 677 634423
19-07-2022 Sthree Sakthi SS 322 699259
20-07-2022 Akshaya AK 558 680443
21-07-2022 Karunya Plus KN 430 962218
22-07-2022 Nirmal NR 286 138428
23-07-2022 Karunya KR 559 772764
24-07-2022 Fifty Fifty FF 9 537904
25-07-2022 Win Win W 678 245789
26-07-2022 Sthree Sakthi SS 323 211059
27-07-2022 Akshaya AK 559 520862
28-07-2022 Karunya-Plus KN 431 125221
29-07-2022 Nirmal NR 287 101116
30-07-2022 Karunya KR 560 899709
31-07-2022 Fifty Fifty FF 10 530898
Check Kerala Lottery July Monthly Chart 2022 Monthly for the daily winners' list in a month. A complete PDF List of the winners is provided above. Download Winner List PDF, you can easily find the results for the lottery draw

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